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Community Rise

This monthly giving program helps break down barriers to education and builds healthy, empowered communities

An engaged community breaks
down barriers to change

Your support lays the groundwork to…

  • give children safe and effective spaces to learn

  • address discrimination based on age, gender or disability

  • improve school attendance and community health through clean water supplies and sanitation facilities

  • empower individuals to protect the health of communities

Be part of positive change

There are many barriers to accessing education and building healthy communities, including everything from lack of basic healthcare and places to learn, to gender discrimination and unsafe drinking water. You’ll play a vital role in empowering children and communities to realize their rights and drive positive change.​


In 2021/2022, supporters like you made it possible to celebrate...


children, young women and mothers benefited from maternal and child healthcare services


child births were attended by skilled health personnel

Clean water

In 2021/2022, supporters like you made it possible to celebrate...


health facilities were connected with basic drinking water


health establishments were equipped with soap and water at a handwashing facility within or immediately near sanitation facilities


In 2021/2022, supporters like you made it possible to celebrate...


children, teachers, caregivers and parents benefited from sustained access to inclusive, quality education


classrooms and libraries were rebuilt or renovated and 32,800+ school supplies were provided


kids were given access to quality early childhood education and care


young women and men received vocational or life-skills training and access to employment opportunities

Choose how you'd like to help

Please select the monthly support you'd like to provide to communities around the world

Community Rise - Partner Plan


Community Rise - Partner Plan


Community Rise - Partner Plan


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